Wednesday, June 16, 2010

LOA and New Pictures!!

Although we are still waiting on our travel date, we have had a few bright spots in our journey lately! Last Tuesday, June 8th, we received our official Letter of Acceptance from China! We previously had received an online approval, but this came on official Chinese paper in beautiful script writing. Of course, once this was received this triggered a whole bunch of paperwork and trips to get things signed, money wired, and then to Fed Ex to send everything overnight to Immigration Services. That was a stressful day, but once it was sent, it was a great feeling.

We left on June 12th to head to the Outerbanks, North Carolina for the Houghtaling family vacation. AKA...last Sara/John vacation before Baby Ava arrives. So, we are just enjoying our vacation and Monday night about 10:15 the agency calls. I was instantly nervous, because I wasn't sure if something was wrong. And was I completely wrong!! They were calling to tell us that they had new pictures of our girl and updated statistics!! Ava now weighs 22 lbs, she is 30 inches tall and has 11 teeth! We still aren't sure if she is walking, but you can see that she is standing by herself! We were so proud to show her off to the family!! Check out our girl!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer