Wednesday, October 16, 2024

7th Grade Volleyball 2024

 Addycakes decided to play volleyball for 7th Grade! She isn't my competitive girl and struggled at times with just that, but we pushed through and she announced she will play again next year! 

She had a wonderful season and grew so much. She was definitely one of the best servers on the team. 

We loved watching her and her smile was bright every game! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

HOCO 2024

 Ava's Sophomore Homecoming!

The Junior/Senior prank wars seemed to include the sophomores this year. 

These little ninja's did some TP damage. Of course they hit the home of the school board president and the athletic director. Luckily they are our friends and took it in stride. 

While no major harm was done, we did have late nights and 2 run in's with the cops, and some stain stick to get out an egg. 

Unfortunately, we didn't make it through the week without some decoration. 

The day of the dance was beautiful!

We loaded the BFF's in a car and headed to Toledo Botanical Gardens for photos. 

I love these girls and we had so much fun!! 

We couldn't leave home with soccer balls.

After photos, we headed to BW-3 for dinner and I got to hang with my friend. 

The kids headed to the dance and had a blast! Ava declared it the best week ever!

Sweet Addycakes

This girl of mine is the sweetest. 
On Tuesdays, she has double duty on practices with volleyball and cheer. 

Volleyball is in the middle school, cheer is in the elementary. 

She could walk. It's not that far. 
But I miss her so I pick her up and drive her from school to the other. It takes 30 seconds. But in that 30 seconds, I get a kiss on the cheek, told I'm beautiful and that she's happy I am her mom. 
It's the best 30 seconds of my day. 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Go Comets!

 Our local ice cream shop decided to go a little friendly competition between the two rival schools in the area. 

The Flyer Frenzy (Lake) vs. The Genoa Comet (Genoa)

They ran the competition for a week and the Athletic Boosters made $1 for every sundae bought and the winner received an additional bonus! 

Guess who won???

The Genoa Comet, of course !

Lisa Goes to Cedar Point!

 Lisa was invited to go to Cedar Point with another Genoa family. 

Cedar Point was at the top of her bucket list and I didn't know if we would make it with our crazy schedules.

So I told her to go and ENJOY! 
And she did!!


7th Grade Volleyball 2024